When I found out about the flat earth, everything changed and I needed to know for myself. I have been a flat-earther since late 2015 and found very little solid proofs that didn’t require expensive equipment or traveling to some specific location to test for myself. (I now realize that the first hole in the story you find is the end for heliocentrism.) I took astronomy at ISU in Pocatello, ID so I knew I had to make some observations and figure out for myself what was going on.  I found the game-changing evidence proving flat-earth, all I had to do was teach telling time by the moon — it comes within a few months of hearing that we might not live on a ball flying through space but my book lays it out for everyone.

Kennedy Walker


 I’ve always taken every opportunity to transfer to new places, while travelling around the country living in over 40 of the contiguous states. I spent my on the clock hours experiencing the culture wherever I went while also experiencing the local population as I negotiated for my company. I found a need pretty early on to figure out how to get people working together towards the same goals and I’ve been looking for that grail ever since. Learning to tell time by the moon came pretty quickly after learning the earth was flat and it took me months to realize how special what I had discovered really was. I returned to the online community and found that people were coming up with excuses for everything and the truth actually needed my silver bullet.