Can you tell time from the moon alone?

It may surprise you to find that your clock is completely arbitrarily assigned a time. Find your solar time now by checking the sun at 12: o'clock versus when it's actually the highest in your sky or by checking time and date to see your rise/set times for the sun and then mathematically adjust your clock so there are equal hours on each side of actual noon. As I write this in late Summer, the phone is 2.5 hrs off in my location.

If you look up telling time by the moon right now, you will be met with a chart that you either memorize or print off to be kept in your wallet so you can glorify in how little you understand the actual movements above your head…if it ever comes up.

Telling time by the moon was probably a given before 500 years ago, that knowledge is back. The information age isn’t shaping up to be like the Jetson’s in any way — this is what we’ve found so far.
The time has come that the flat earth can be studied, and then observed and overcome with analytical, evidence-based prejudice in the span of one year.  The idea that the sun is visible all night once you are familiar with my work. My thesis fully detailed in How to Tell Time by the Moon fully and unequivocally disproves the claims of a flat-earth. The only reason I published this book, and it’s predecessor, was the severe need within the flat-earth community for proof that can be displayed anywhere in the world and cannot possibly be excused by the belief in the power of refraction, gravity, or any other key-word that makes people think they make sense.

Buy the definitive work that solves the riddle soon!

You are only a few observations away from better understanding the sky. Understanding the sky is understanding the world.

The wise in spirit seek to better understand today to better plan for tomorrow.

Available on Amazon

A guide explaining my point of view on the power citizens have when dealing with public servants and how to use citizen’s arrest to fix our country. The Criminal, Just-Us System is exposed and a solution is offered in an indictment against oathbreaking servants that are convinced they applied to become the king.