Specializing in evidence that can be gathered from your porch

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My book demonstrates the undeniable proof from your home

Why my book is the BEST

No expensive equipment needed and No travelling to lakes or shorelines to learn to tell time by the moon. Experiments that can’t be done but in certain regions are a wonderful fascination but you need to be able to point to something and prove the nature of Earth once and for all to any rational human being in moments. The moon is that thing. I show you how the sun proves it too but that is not the globe proof a person needs. Telling time by the moon is the GameChanger and you will soon have a cosmology that can be used to make predictions, or more importantly, show anyone the absolute, definitive truth.

Have you ever actually zoomed in on Mars?

Don’t you want to know what is happening over you? Are you ready for the sunrise to mean what it was always meant to mean to us? You can learn a lot from the P900 Gallery here but the understanding of what’s happening is still elusive and confusing from those pictures alone, learn to read the sky as it was built to be understood and find relief from the confusion.


The flat earth affects us all

You deserve to be the biggest part of your understanding of the world; I respect your willingness to know for yourself and your concern for personally verifiable, measurable, consistent and useful information about your environment. You are the one that gets to study your own sun and moon to confirm or eliminate the claims of the flat earth with scientific prejudice. Upon understanding the thesis explained here, you have the tools to understand more about the world than most people have known for generations. Will you take the time to observe and track for yourself? Once you read this book, if you spend just a few moments the next night you can see the moon, you will know more; spend time all year long and you will know more than anyone around you.

TREASON is the U.S. centric book that points out how far we’ve drifted from reality. When acceptance of crime is the new patriotism and police think they are sovereign citizens here to rule us all there is a man that points out the invader to a capitalist society.

Hey! Are things right?

The Socialist

Are Fascism, Socialism, Communism and other crimes as foreign as we want them to be or are there 10s of millions of these criminals around us today? Do they think we are here to serve them?

When a person is paid through public funds which are extorted, they are socialists regardless of how they vote or which of the parties they claim to align with.

My analysis of the current economic catastrophe that is the public servant and the laws I feel are violated daily against the citizen.

From the perspective of the man that arrested a cop before allowing him to violate my rights.

An analysis of the failings of the current auditing communities that conveniently forget about citizen’s arrest in favor of the possibility of personal gain through civil actions against the town. Hey, towns deserve to pay for not keeping their servants in line but this might be something else.

Without teeth, it’s just begging.